Flat Roof Repair

Flat roofs have their distinct architectural style and advantages, but they also demand specialized care and repair. As time passes, challenges such as water pooling, weather damage, and material degradation can arise. At Eason Roofing, we understand these specific needs and provide customized solutions for flat roof maintenance. Our experienced team utilizes advanced techniques to tackle unique issues, ensuring that you reap all the benefits of your flat roof. From patching and resealing to improving drainage, we are committed to restoring and maintaining the integrity and functionality of your roof. Rely on Eason Roofing to maintain your flat roof in peak condition, where durability meets visual appeal.

Types of Flat Roofs

Flat roofs have been a preferred choice for many commercial buildings and an increasing number of modern residential homes. Their clean lines and horizontal expanse offer both aesthetic appeal and functional advantages. However, not all flat roofs are the same.

  1. Built-Up Roof (BUR): One of the oldest and most traditional methods, BUR comprises multiple layers of tar and gravel. It provides excellent waterproofing and is relatively low in maintenance. The layered approach offers resilience against the elements, making it a sturdy option for areas with varied weather conditions.
  2. Modified Bitumen Roof: This is an evolution of the BUR system. Modified bitumen roofs employ a combination of asphalt and rubber modifiers, typically applied in single or double layers. They are known for their enhanced flexibility, even in colder temperatures, and often come with a mineral-coated surface, reflecting sunlight and aiding in energy efficiency.
  3. EPDM Roof (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer): Essentially a rubber roof, EPDM roofs are lightweight, durable, and resistant to UV rays. The material’s black color can help in absorbing heat in colder climates, although lighter coatings are available for warmer areas to reflect heat.
  4. TPO (Thermoplastic Olefin) and PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) Roofs: Both these single-ply roofing systems are growing in popularity due to their energy efficiency. They reflect sunlight effectively, leading to reduced cooling costs in sunny climates. These roofs are resistant to chemical exposure and offer durability. Of the two, PVC has a longer track record and is especially resistant to chemicals, making it suitable for restaurants and other businesses that emit oils and fats.
  5. Green or “Living” Roofs: An innovative and eco-friendly choice, green roofs are covered with vegetation and soil, laid over a waterproofing membrane. They provide excellent insulation, reduce stormwater runoff, and offer urban areas a touch of greenery. They do require a strong structural foundation due to their weight and need regular maintenance.
  6. Spray-On Roofs: This involves spraying a polyurethane foam onto the roof, which then expands and hardens, providing insulation and waterproofing. Spray-on roofs can improve energy efficiency and reduce thermal transfer.

Each flat roofing type comes with its own set of advantages and considerations. Factors like climate, building use, weight-bearing capacity, and budget play a significant role in determining the best choice for any given structure. Always consult with roofing professionals, like our team at Eason Roofing, to understand which flat roofing system aligns best with your needs.

Common Issues

Flat roofs, while offering a contemporary aesthetic and efficient use of space, come with their own set of challenges that owners should be aware of. 

Poor Drainage 

Unlike sloped roofs, which naturally direct water off the structure, flat roofs can allow water to pool. This stagnant water can, over time, begin to seep into the structure, causing damage. Regular maintenance is required to ensure drains and gutters remain clear and functional.

Damage Caused By UV Radiation

Adding to drainage concerns, the materials used in flat roofs can sometimes be vulnerable to UV radiation. Extended exposure to direct sunlight can cause the roofing material to deteriorate, leading to cracks or blisters. Such damage compromises the roof’s integrity, making it more susceptible to leaks.

Extreme Weather 

Weather extremes can also be particularly taxing for flat roofs. In colder climates, the expansion and contraction of roofing materials due to freezing and thawing can cause what’s known as ‘thermal shock’. This rapid change in temperature might lead to material fatigue, reducing the roof’s lifespan.

Weight Issues 

Since they are horizontally aligned, any added weight, like an accumulation of snow or even a new installation such as an HVAC system, can exert undue pressure on the structure. If not appropriately accounted for during the design phase, this can lead to structural problems or even a potential roof collapse.

Furthermore, the seams and flashings on flat roofs, especially in older roofing systems, can become weak points over time. These are often the initial areas where leaks develop. It’s essential to ensure that these parts are correctly sealed and periodically checked for wear and tear.


Lastly, vegetation growth, which is often overlooked, can be a silent enemy of flat roofs. Leaves, twigs, and other debris can clog drains. Worse still, if left unattended, some roofs, especially those that are damp, can see moss or plant growth. This not only adds weight to the roof but also retains moisture, speeding up the roof’s degradation.

While flat roofs have their advantages, understanding these common issues is crucial. Regular inspections and timely maintenance can mitigate most of these problems, ensuring the roof remains in optimal condition for years to come.

Causes Flat Roof Repair Prevention & Tips 

Flat roofs are a popular choice for many commercial and residential buildings due to their cost-effectiveness and space utilization. However, they require careful maintenance to prevent leaks and other damage. Here’s a concise guide to help you keep your flat roof in top condition:

Flat Roof Repair Prevention & Tips

  • Regular Inspections

Conduct inspections at least twice a year and after any severe weather events. Look for signs of wear and tear such as pooling water, blisters, or tears in the roofing material.

  • Prompt Repairs

Address minor issues like small cracks or punctures immediately to prevent them from worsening. Use a professional roofing contractor for repairs to ensure they are done correctly.

  • Proper Drainage

Ensure your roof has an adequate drainage system to prevent water accumulation. Keep gutters and downspouts clean to avoid blockages that can lead to water pooling.

  • Debris Clearance

Remove debris like leaves, twigs, and other objects that can accumulate on your roof. Regular cleaning helps to prevent damage and maintains the effectiveness of the drainage system.

  • Quality Roofing Materials

When installing a new roof or making substantial repairs, opt for high-quality, durable materials. Consult with roofing experts to choose materials that are best suited for your climate and building design.

  • Professional Help

For inspection, maintenance, or repairs, always rely on experienced and certified roofing professionals. They can provide expert advice tailored to your specific roof’s needs.

Maintaining your flat roof through regular upkeep and addressing problems promptly can significantly extend its lifespan and prevent costly repairs. Always prioritize safety and efficiency by consulting with professionals who specialize in flat roofing systems.

Contact the Pros for Flat Roof Repair!

With the risks that come with flat roof issues, it’s important to act swiftly and efficiently. Our team of certified roofing experts is equipped to handle all types of flat roof repairs. From routine maintenance to emergency fixes, we ensure your roof is in top condition, protecting your property and peace of mind. Ready to fix your roof the right way? Call us at Eason Roofing and let the experts take care of the rest!